16 May 2010

I drank this...

More like I will drink this.  This post's title is in reference to Infinite Jest a novel by David Foster Wallace.  There is a scene where a child eats some vile-looking mold and goes up to his mother and says something akin to "I ate this" whilst his face and mouth are covered in green.  Its funny to me, but I am not sure if its supposed to be funny.

So why I am talking about this novel? Well, when I see this stuff alive in my beer I think that it looks fantastic.  This is what I imagine the child in the book was thinking too.  How can I not consume this? I can only imagine that the lay person (or adult) would think that this looks like trouble. I like to think of the "trouble" as flavor crystals adding awesomeness to the beer. Now I just have to wait, again.

Some pictures:
pellicle pelicle
Camera One, Camera Two:
I think that's a pellicle (white) forming on the left- I hope the other gunk is from the cherry concentrate
On the right there is no visible activity

A little closer

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