16 February 2009

In a year from now...

I'll be drinking a Flemish sour / red ale.

1 lb white wheat malt
1 lb Munich 10
0.5 lb Vienna
0.5 lb Caramunich III
5.10 oz special B

1 hour @ 155
10 min @ 162
Sparge 172

2 hour boil

6lbs Amber LME
.75oz hallertau 3.9% AA 60 min

Belgian lambic blend
Pitched on 2/15/2009 at 3:00 am

08 February 2009

Flip Flopping on Root Beer

Root beer is good. I also did not get any of the "cat"-iness that some claim to get from Cluster hops. Which, imho, is good. So yeah, brew it up.

06 February 2009

Radical Brewing: Lazy Book Review

There is a lot of information on the World Wide Web about homebrewing. Sometimes the need for a handy real life, in your hand reference is needed. I bought Radical Brewing and I think its a good buy.

1. Its informative
2. Its written in a non-dry way
3. Um, its good and has better layout than similar books.

It has cool title.

04 February 2009


Bottled the root beer 1/18/09. This beer was not as odoriferous and smelling of root beer as when I put it into the secondary. It carbed nicely and pours nice, but its not root beer. It has some wintergreen to the nose, but other than that is a slightly bitter porter. Not bad, but not root beer. If I try again I'll use spices in the secondary and then make a tincture to add at bottling.