19 February 2010

Stuck Sprarges Begone: Improved Homemade Mash Tun

I previously posted about the construction of my homemade mash tun.  However, I got stuck sparges with my first two uses (one and two).  The culprit, seemingly, was the the piece of PEX I was using to filter the wort from the grain.  It just wasn't porous enough to keep things running smoothly. Rather than drilling a bunch more tiny holes, I decided to take the route praised by many and I used a stainless steel braid from a sink hook-up.  All that needs to be done is the removal of the end fittings (angle grinder) and then the removal of the inner hose.  I found the hose removal to be difficult and finally got it to work while using a vice clamp to hold the hose and a milking technique to remove the braid.  I used plastic T and stainless hose clamps to finish the loop. I joined the loop to a nub of PEX (via brute force), as the PEX fits perfectly in bulk head.  I have used it twice now with great success.  Woo hoo.

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